Saturday, January 11, 2014

The break that was - and frustrations of life!

Jan 8th. Flight 416. AUS-MDW.

And thus my holiday and time with Raghav come to an end.. for now.

No doubt, it can be difficult not to stay miles away from one another especially if enjoy each other's company the most. Ahem! Well, yes, we both like to hang out with one another because that's when we have the most fun.

A typical day for us is full of laughs. We laugh atleast 50% of the time we are up together (sometime even more). On what, you may ask! Let me try to jot down a comprehensive list here: Hindi slangs, jingles from old advertisements (includes signing them together), Bollywood movies and songs, our insane but loving families (sorry people!!), Indian superstitions, our silly little goof-ups at work/school and home, Mahabharata - the TV show (recent addition to the list), my poor Hindi (it's not that poor!), few American things, b-school fads, our Indian grocery store's shady revenue streams.. so on and so forth. But mostly at each other. We pull each other's leg to the limit, and because its always in jest and good spirit, even the person, who's the butt of the jokes, enjoys it.. until its just the two of us!

We never make a joke of Indian politics (even though its a joke) for Raghav is extremely sensitive about it and hopeful of a better India. Cricket is also a very serious subject and Raghav behaves as if he is PMS-ing when India loses a cricket match. He would actually pass a chance to make out for watching a cricket match! We also don't make fun or laugh at other people (barring family - we love you  guys!) because we believe that we have no right to judge them or anything that they do.

I really can relate ourselves to 'Marshall and Lily' from 'How I Met Your Mother'. We are similar to them in so many ways including using a single toothbrush! Well, let me defend.. we always have two tooth-brushes but my husband doesn't care to be careful in picking his own (when its just the two of us). As a result, I just use the one that's not wet! Oh, and we have the telepathy thing going most times.. which is why we don't need to communicate much in words.

This also brings us to our nicknames.. Bobo (from baby.. as if that wasn't cute enough already), Gufu baby, Bachche (literal Hindi translation of 'child', often used authoritatively while nagging), Bebu (only Raghav uses this to address me).

We definitely feel incredibly fortunate to have found such a partner in one another who understands most things without having to say them out loud. It maybe due to the fact that we belong to the same generation (with me being an year older) or that we grew up in the same town. Well, whatever it is, it works quite well for us. Despite all this, we are not blind to one another's faults or weaknesses - and can be extremely critical about each other to each other, more in a positive and encouraging way.

One thing however we need to get better at is becoming comfortable to express our love for one another infront of people. I can be very shy when we are with people. I don't express my feelings, then get frustrated about it and take out my frustration by yelling at Raghav for no good reason infront of the very people. His response 'I am sorry' because he knows darn well what's going on! We are a cuddly couple and lack of it with company can be frustrating for me. Raghav, on the other hand, tends to feel ignored when I don't give him enough attention with other people. Then tries to get me involved in simple things such as navigation (he can pretty much look in the GPS by himself).

Aah, it pained me so much to hear Raghav call me from work, while I was at the airport, to say 'I don't feel like going home today!'.. but he stopped right there and was very vary of saying 'Come back home. Don't go back to Chicago' for he knew that I actually would!!

Bobo, just six more months! It was you who wanted me to graduate from Kellogg, and not go to the University of Texas. And you bore it out thus far while egging me on each day. Soon we will have our life back, and our laughs back! Right here on this couch, we will cuddle up, silently talk and crack up! Love you.

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